Eyelid Marking Tool

In this project, an application was built for marking eyelids in eye images from an IR video camera. The application shall be used in order to manually build a data base of marked eye lids.

In this project, an application was built for marking eyelids in eye images
from an IR video camera. The application shall be used in order to manually
build a data base of marked eye lids. This data base shall be used as
“ground truth” data for comparing and testing automatic real-time
eye lid marking algorithms.
The project is part of a research in association with Elbit Systems Ltd.


The utility should be capable of automatically detection of eyelid contours,
relying on the manual marking by the user. It has to be able to deal with
minor inaccuracies and not to be affected due to poor marking of the user.
The detection shall be accomplished in a reasonable time frame. The effectivity
of the tool will be tested on a variaty of images, and the results be
saved in a database.

The Solution

It was chosen to use the algorithm of the “Intelligent
Scissors” project, previous held in the VISL. The tool that was
developed employs automatic detection, based on user’s input, using several
techniques of edge detection. After applying these techniques on the image,
the weight matrix is created and is used as input for Dijkstra algorithm
(see documentation of the “Intelligent
Scissors” project
). Finally, the contour line is added to the
picture, and can be saved in the database.


The tool was developed in MATLAB 2007b, the eye images were taken by ELBIT’s
eye tracking lab.



The tool showed capability for accurately draw the eyelid contour at
some examples, however the success depends on the accuracy of the user
input and the quality of the input image. Runtime is about 2-3 minutes
for each image.
Improvements have to be made to get more robust results, maybe integrate
other methods and improve runtime.


I am grateful to the project supervisor Johanan Erez for his help and guidance
throughout this work.
I am also grateful to ELBIT Systems Ltd. and the Ollendorf
Minerva Center
Fund for supporting this project.