ERC Project 635537 lightMaterInt

The interaction between light and material leads to beautiful visual phenomena that greatly enrich our perception of the world. The ability to measure and model light scattering is central to almost any field of science. However, light transport in rich scenes is a complex process involving a long sequence of scattering events. Computationally modeling, reproducing and acquiring the processes generated so easily by Mother Nature is an extremely challenging task. While several computational models have been proposed, they are all making various simplifying assumptions that cannot capture the full complexity of light transport processes in nature. In the proposed research, we suggest new measurement strategies and new inference algorithms that will allow us to infer more information on light and material interaction.
Our research focus on the following tasks: (i) Acquiring internal sub-scattering, and recovering the volumetric structure of partially translucent objects; (ii) Acquiring external and internal illumination from its reflection through scattering layers; (iii) Exploiting illumination for developing digital light sensitive displays, capable of presenting 3D scenes with spatially varying reflectance properties.
As light scattering is such a fundamental phenomenon, our envisioned new tools have applications in almost any field of science, from astronomy to microscopy, and in medicine.
- Dr. Marina Alterman, Research Scientist
- Chen Bar, PhD Student
- Sagi Monin, PhD Student
- Alon Werthaimer, M.Sc. Student
- Dror Aizik, M.Sc. Student
- Yivgenia Sharbekov, M.Sc. Student
- Alex Finkelshtein, M.Sc. Student
- Kfir Shem-Tov, Former M.Sc. Student
- Alterman, Research Scientist
- Chen Bar, PhD Student
- Sagi Monin, PhD Student
- Alon Werthaimer, M.Sc. Student
- Dror Aizik, M.Sc. Student
- Yivgenia Sharbekov, M.Sc. Student
- Alex Finkelshtein, M.Sc. Student
- Kfir Shem-Tov, Former M.Sc. Student
C. Bar, I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin. Rendering Near-Field Speckle Statistics in Scattering Media.
SIGGRAPH Asia, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Dec 2020.
J. Chang, A. Levin, V. Kumar, A. Sankaranarayanan. Towards Occlusion-Aware Multifocal Displays.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, July 2020.
A. Kotwal, A. Levin, I. Gkioulekas. Interferometric Transmission Probing with Coded Mutual Intensity.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, July 2020.
K. Shem-Tov, S. P. Bangaru, A. Levin, I. Gkioulekas. Towards Reflectometry from Interreflections.
ICCP, May 2020
C. Bar, M. Alterman, I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin. A Monte Carlo Framework for Rendering Speckle Statistics in Scattering Media.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, July 2019.
C. Bar, M. Alterman, I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin. Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Memory Effect in Random Media Beyond the Diffusion Limit.
SPIE/OSA European Conference on Biomedical Optics, June 2019.
C. Bar, M. Alterman, I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin. Exploiting Speckle Statistics in Random Media Beyond the Diffusion Limit.
OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, June 2019.
I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin, T. Zickler. An Evaluation of Computational Imaging Techniques for Heterogeneous Inverse Scattering.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016.
N. Efrat, P. Didyk, M. Foshey, W. Matusik, A. Levin. Cinema 3D: Large Scale Automultiscopic Display.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, July 2016.
A. Levin, H. Maron, M. Yarom. Passive Light and Viewpoint Sensitive Display of 3D Content.
ICCP, May 2016
V. Holodovski, Y. Schechner, A. Levin, A. Levis and A. Aides. In-situ multi-view multi-scattering stochastic tomography.
ICCP, May 2016
I. Gkioulekas, A. Levin, F. Durand, T. Zickler. Micron-scale Light Path Decomposition Using Interferometry.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Aug 2015.
D. Glasner, T. Zickler, A. Levin. A Reflectance Display.
SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Aug 2014.
Undergraduate projects
Maayan Neeman, Removing atmospheric turbulence through deep learning
Yuval Aviran and Meitar Halfon, Structured Light In Scattering Media
Lidor Malul and Simon Shvarts, Turbulence Simulator
Yuval Schwartz and Maayan Weitzman, PSF – Flexible Depth of Field, Won a prize for excellent project
Tzvi Iskowitz and Tzuf Levy, Imaging Around Corners Using ToF
Matan Tsipory and Aviv Barnea, Image Enhancement Using Adaptive Digital Pixel Binning
Omer Shulam and Kfir Pardessi, 3D Reconstruction from Structured Light- Global Illumination
Aviv Slobodkin and Hod Fluger, Direct and Global Separation
Aviv Slobodkin and Hod Fluger, Photometric Stereo
Shachar Gali and Esther Vorkin, DiffuserCam
Yonathan Keselbrener and Lior Salter, Measuring Scattering by Dilution
Ziv Barak and Sharon Elad, Non-invasive single-shot imaging through scattering layers via speckle correlations