Underwater 3D Reconstruction

Stereo vision & structured light are well-studied methods in the field of computer vision. Several products, such as Kinect, RealSense3D & DUO3D, use those technologies in order to reconstruct a 3D scene indoors

Stereo vision & structured light are well-studied methods in the field of computer vision. Several products, such as Kinect, RealSense3D & DUO3D, use those technologies in order to reconstruct a 3D scene indoors. While most products use an IR projector as an integral part of the 3D reconstruction process, this solution will not work well in an underwater environment due to the absorption of the IR light underwater, thus creating the need for a custom system for underwater usage.

The project aims to develop an effective underwater system for underwater 3D reconstruction using structured light & stereo vision methods. The system should meet the following requirements:

  1. Real time performance
  2. Implementation on a small sized board in order to fit the designated underwater enclosure
  3. Handling shakes and camera movements caused by the diver’s movement


In this project 3 stereo methods were developed:

  1. Standard stereo
  2. Active stereo
  3. Structured light

active stereo flow chart:



Structured light flow chart:



In order to achieve real-time performance the algorithms were implemented using a parallel approach thus allowing to reconstruct a larger image in real-time.
